![]() World Book Day is on Thursday 2 March 2023 and the focus is on making this day yours. Since the day was first celebrated in the UK and Ireland 25 years ago, it has become a mandatory calendar date for schools, institutions, and communities to attend. It provides an excellent opportunity to focus on the joy of reading, encourages children to make their own choice of books, and develops a reading habit that brings many benefits. So here at the Evelyn Winters Adventure, we want to help you make it a personalised World Book Day! Here are some suggestions: Book trails online![]() A Storybook Trail is a fun, educational activity that places the pages from a children's story along a trail. Books set in locations around the world give you the chance to travel through the eyes of authors and their characters. Storybook Trails provide an outdoor reading adventure, but have you been searching for ‘storybook trails near me’ and found nothing? Then why don’t you take a virtual Storybook Trail on Google Maps? The Evelyn Winters Adventure offers a unique way to experience the story from anywhere in the world. The children can learn to apply geography skills by viewing trail routes on the map, download trail guides, listen to audio guides and take a virtual walk in the book locations using Google Street View, bringing the story to life. If you are lucky enough to visit the locations, using Google Live View can be a fun way to experience the adventure. On these trails, the children will learn the secret of never running out of story ideas by studying the history and visiting the landmarks. Great opening lines for booksWhy is the beginning of a story important? The opening of a novel or short story must grab the reader's attention and entice them to turn to the first page and continue reading. What you say in the first few sentences can affect how your audience perceives what follows. They need to be both concise and engaging for the reader to digest the second paragraph. In those crucial first sentences, it's all about hitting the right notes. In order to help children learn about classic books and understand the concept of opening lines, how about playing 100 Famous first lines of children's books on a screen at home or in the classroom when the children arrive? These are 100 Famous first lines of children's books: How to write a book reviewWriting book reviews can help your child engage with what they're reading, helping them to find their favourite author, genre and develop their writing skills. A review can show you if the child has engaged. It can show they have understood the basic narrative or if they have picked up on themes and issues. It will also give an indication of whether a book is at the right reading level for them or not. It can also help them to develop their vocabulary. It’s worth letting them read other book reviews on their favourite books, so they get a flavour for it. This video includes free resource downloads. Learn how to write a book review for kids using this video guide. This guide gives examples of book reviews for primary school. It also includes two free downloads. A Themed World Book Day!![]() This theme is The Little Big Clockmaker which is based on a real clock called: The Eastgate Clock in Chester, Cheshire, England. It is a fasinating clock which was added onto the Eastgate of the ancient Roman City walls in 1899 to celebrate diamond jubilee of Queen Victoria two years earlier. This was the original entrance to the Roman fortress of Deva Victrix in Chester, Cheshire, England. It is said to be the 2nd most photographed in England, Big Ben being the first. Visit the Teachers and Parents page to download a free copy of The Little Big Clockmaker and access other resources for a Clockmaker themed day!
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Meet Evelyn WintersThis children’s author is highly experienced in shrinking giants and making toy dolls dance! With her spellbinding stories and whimsical myths, she spins a magical world that intertwines with the rich history of ancient Roman Chester in the United Kingdom. Amidst the pages of her wondrous works, you'll meet a cast of kooky characters (some a bit fragrant), all designed to teach important lessons about history and morality. Living in this enchanted city has made Evelyn Winters a true expert in all things fantastical and mysterious. When she isn't weaving wickedly whimsical yarns, she's educating eager audiences on her YouTube channel, The Evelyn Winters Adventure. Remember, dear friend, what you say around her might find its way into one of her quirky stories!
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